During normal business hours customers will be able to browse through the complete collection of NIVREL, single models may be examined and tried. Also, a chat with us from NIVREL is more than welcome, because shoptalk is a wonderful secondary effect of this event.
In 2008 we will start with three exclusive events that will be followed by a lot more in 2009.
Dates of the 'Mechanics of Time Tour 2008/2009':
Oktober 2008:
Saturday, 11.10.2008: at Leon Lazar & Semper, Golzstraße 34, 10781 Berlin.
Monday, 27.10.2008: exclusive private event for the Cigars & Watches Club Saarlouis (CWCS 1999).
Dezember 2008:
at Juwelier Kraemer, Bahnhofstraße 93, 66111 Saarbrücken.
More dates will follow soon.