
Kicking off 2012: The new NIVREL Website

von Guido Grohmann - 2 Jan, 2012

Kicking off 2012: The new NIVREL Website

On 2 January 2012 NIVREL kicks off the New Year with a new website. The internet pages are a logical development of the internet activities at NIVREL throughout the last three years. The newly designed websites of 2009 and 2010 particularly had the focus on the revision of the content. However, the 2010 implementation already contained many steps towards search engine friendliness and improving the organic search results, especially in Google. The goal for the new website of 2012 was to bring search engine friendliness to a new level and to combine it with interesting features for the website’s human visitors.

The new features of the NIVREL website 2012

  • Better information possibilities for visitors on a revised, more structured and clearer, comprehensive home page and a so-called news blog. In particular, the news blog offers a wealth of information on various topics such as product news, company information, but also a press review section as well as the new category "Pièce Unique Stories."
  • Easier to obtain information for press representatives by an own press release section in the news blog area. Also, the download of text and image information for each press release is possible directly on the page.
  • Slight revision of the design and adaptation of design features on social media platforms and in the NIVREL E-Boutique.
  • Integration of social media services used by NIVREL, such as Facebook, Twitter, Delicious, Flickr and YouTube.
  • Improvement of the retailers index with direct links to Google Maps.
  • Powerful Software: The website has been built on a completely new technical set-up. The transition to a more powerful content management system paved the way for continuous improvement and expansion of NIVREL’s internet activities in the next few years to come.
  • Search Engine Optimization: Improvement of the html code and the URLs of individual pages to increase search engine friendliness.

Besides the above points, even more improvements have been integrated into the website and will be expanded in the coming months. We look forward to your visit: from 2 January 2012 at our usual intenet address: www.nivrel.com.
